Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mission to find the babies

If you haven't been to the blog in awhile, I suggest you watch a couple posts back on the Raccoons before you watch this one. It won't make any sense otherwise. I know this one is long, but I hope to give you an idea of the 4 hours the exterminators were here. I have worked to condense that to just a few short videos. We have hired an exterminator to come and get the baby raccoons out of the attic. Because we can't see them inside the attic, we have decided to cut a hole in the ceiling to try to retrieve them that way. We have no idea how many there are. From the research I have done, it can be anywhere from 1 to 6. Awesome. Unfortunately, as you will see, one hole turned in to many holes. Shawn cutting the first hole: And here is the second hole: The third hole, and a new pee stain (again, Awesome): We have a visual people: A fourth hole (still no access to babies): After another few hours, they were about the leave because they believed the 2 babies moved into the wall and there was no way to get them. I walked downstairs in frustration (or because I was about to cry because of hormones). Shawn took over and then came down stairs with these: Evidently there are 4 babies. Two in the trashcan and 2 more still in the wall. The exterminators finally had to leave so we agreed to leave the light on and the door closed during the night in the hope that they come out on their own. We put a trap up in the attic with sardines in it hoping that they would come to the food. Yes, you know what that means, there could potentially be raccoons running around my office during the night. At about 10:00 last night, we heard a thump (as you can tell, Shawn doesn't like being on the blog). Here is what he came out with: One more is still stuck in the ceiling. Hoping he will come out sometime today. I still haven't gone in the room and don't plan to until this whole ordeal is over. I seriously couldn't make this up if I tried.

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